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Talk for the CCTB on the 21st of July 2021 11:00 via zoom. In this talk I will argue that the research cycle necessitates flexible, malleable software that can be molded to constantly evolving needs.
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The talk that outlines the ctqmat-dm cluster to a wider audience.
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My contribution to the ctqmat proposal between Dresden and Würzburg.
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The talk that outlines the ctqmat-dm cluster to a wider audience.
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WHIZARD etc. / OMega
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterExperimental O'Mega work outside of the official WHIZARD SVN repository
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The talk I did at Erlangen on the 13 November 2018
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A place to collect some small protocols of our admin meetings.
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Codes and Data used for the paper Holonomic implementation of CNOT gate on topological Majorana qubits by A. Calzona, N. P. Bauer, B. Trauzettel
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Source code and data of paper: Holonomic implementation of CNOT gate on topological Majorana qubits (see arXiv:2008.05181v1)
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A project that collects the tools that David and myself wrote for the analysis of Monte Carlo data.
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An informal and unofficial Julia cluster wiki for Universität Würzburg. No code, only a wiki.
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WHIZARD etc. / Circe2
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterExperimental Circe2 work outside the official WHIZARD SVN repository