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\author{Florian Goth, Christoph Brüning, Fakher Assaad}
\date{01. July 2021}
%\institute[Uni Würzburg]{Universit\"at W\"urzburg\\Institut f\"ur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik}
\institute[SFB1170/ct.qmat]{Universität Würzburg\\Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik}
\title[]{Data Management in ct.qmat}
\subtitle{-- An overview/introduction --}


 \frametitle{Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat}
 \item Two sites: Würzburg, Dresden
 \item Diverse groups across theory and experiment
 \item Established in 2019
 \item Research: Novel topological materials, quantum magnetism, topological photonics, tailoring topological functionality.

\frametitle{The original grant proposal (Jan. 2018)}
Simulations/Experiment are a cornerstone of good
scientific practice and are facilitated by data management solutions. Efficient data management allows to document the workflow leading to published data and facilitates
open access (OA) publication forms where all primary material is accessible.
In addition, the many locations within the cluster render collaborative tools a necessity.
Bringing both requirements together we foresee the need for collaborative
data management solutions that use established tools from the community while
at the same time leveraging the latest in storage technology.

 \begin{block}{What is important}
  \item Delocalized
  \item Collecting Data
  \item Working on Data
->\emph{Collaborative Data Management}
\begin{block}{Political/external Pressures}
 \item Open Access Policy of DFG
 \item Increased pressure for proper data management plans from funders
 \item Publishers require open access to certain data
 \item Reproducibility

 \frametitle{Research Cycle}

 \frametitle{Data Cycle}

 \begin{block}{What do we have to build}
  -> Structures/Software that enables:
  \item collaborative decentralized work on data from various sources
  \item longterm, flexible storage
  \item in a way that enables the openness of the research cycle
  \item makes analysis steps reproducible
  \item and in a manner that satisfies expectations on data management plans
  \item open, extensible infrastructure should enable flexible services on this long time scale

 \frametitle{ct.qmat Data Management Cluster(simplified)}

%  \frametitle{Mapping to the Research Cycle/Data Cycle}
%  \begin{itemize}
%   \item Planning/Organization <->
%   \item Data Generation <-> Measurement Devices/SuperComputers/Thinking
%   \item Data Storage <-> via DataVerse into the object tore
%   \item Analysis <-> JupyterHub
%   \item Publication <-> / DataVerse / gitlab
%   \item ReUse/Reproduce <-> JupyterHub
%  \end{itemize}
%  \vfill
 \item The full cycle is available in software on the web -> Delocalized
 \item Almost integrated
 \item A researcher can publish projects at his will -> Full control
 \item Any Service can be executed on top of the basic Infrastructure(Kubernetes + Object Store). -> Flexible
  \item gitlab present for a long time and we work on onboarding scientists \CheckedBox
  \item Set up Storage Cluster \CheckedBox
  \item -> Set up Kubernetes
  \item Connect gitlab
  \item Add Services: DataVerse, elabFTW, JupyterHub/BinderHub,

\frametitle{Preservation Outlook}
   \item Infrastructure is all opensource -> No vendor lock in.
   \item The provided tools are all open source, hence researchers can set up open workflows with public tools.
   \item We educate people about certain tools ( -> Behavioural changes.
   \item In a perfect world workgoups have their whole structure in an ELN and hence the network can be made openly visible.
   \item Data curators? Maybe for project based research?
   \item But basically this structure is meant to be live.

 \frametitle{Last Slide}
 \begin{block}{Ideas for the university}
   \item What happens after the lifetime of DFG funded project duration entities? 
   \item The associated infrastructure could be kept alive in a read-only mode for the forthcoming 10 years -> university guarantees, foundations.
   \item open collaborative tools vs. Arbeitsrecht?
   \item citable resources, DOIs?
   \item Support for this infrastructure!
  \item Only a platform. Services/analysis need to be done by domain scientists.
  \item But Quality of data and quality of scripts is only as good as the knowledge of this scientist.
  \item Quality of initial data needs to be kept high -> FDM
  \item Web-based research will necessitate the use of scripts. This quality needs to be fostered -> specialized research software engineers.


 \frametitle{ct.qmat Data Management Cluster(orig)}

\begin{block}{Short Explanations}
  \item Object Store: Abstraction Layer for storage.
  \item Kubernetes: Abstraction Layer for providing services controlled via software.
  \item gitlab: feature rich version control tool for Software Development.
  \item DataVerse: Research Data Repository.
  \item Open Science Framework; Integrated Platform for managing and sharing your research.
  \item Jupyter Hub: A platform for providing computational environments.





 \frametitle{Data Cycle}
