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MIT LicenseMARQOV: A modern framework for classical spin models on general topologies
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A place to collect some small protocols of our admin meetings.
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Florian Goth / cxx_template
MIT LicenseA template that can serve as a starting point for any compiled language(at least, C, C++, Fortran) on the integration of cmake, doxygen, sphinx, PlantUML, SWIG.
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Z03 / cxx_template
MIT LicenseA template that can serve as a starting point for any compiled language(at least, C, C++, Fortran) on the integration of cmake, doxygen, sphinx, PlantUML, SWIG.
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The Client Process for the CT-INT code by Florian Goth. Not usable without the Master QMC_Master.
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A project that collects the tools that David and myself wrote for the analysis of Monte Carlo data.
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A place to collect some small protocols of our admin meetings.